DOE transferred more than 180,000 pounds of reusable and recyclable materials recovered during the demolition process for 16 unused, outdated facilities at the Paducah Site over the past year to a local community reuse organization.
The Paducah Area Community Reuse Organization (PACRO), in turn, uses the transferred property or proceeds from its sale to attract new jobs to the community.
“The demolition of these smaller facilities ... Read More
The West McCracken Fire District recently praised the DOE Paducah Site’s fire department for the team’s community-minded approach to emergency response.
From March to June this year, the fire department at the Paducah Site responded to 52 mutual aid requests from the West McCracken Fire District. A mutual aid agreement is a written agreement between agencies, organizations or jurisdictions to lend assistance across jurisdictional ... Read More
The Paducah Site and the Paducah Citizens Advisory Board (CAB) have teamed up to produce a documentary video about EM’s groundwater cleanup program, resulting in a collaborative communication tool that helps audiences understand efforts to remediate off-site groundwater contamination.
EM partners with environmental regulators and community stakeholders to implement a cleanup strategy helping to reduce the presence of ... Read More
EM workers continue to reduce chemical hazards at the Paducah Site with the recent shipment of 14 sodium fluoride traps, or exchange vessels, for off-site disposal and the elimination of the site’s entire chlorine gas cylinder inventory.
Removing these hazards reduces their environmental impact and risks to workers and the community. Hazard reduction is one of EM’s key objectives to achieve over the next decade for Paducah.
“ ... Read More
Students from three regional high schools recently teamed up for Hack the Plastics, an event created by EM’s Paducah Site cleanup contractor to “hack,” or propose solutions, to help solve a part of the global plastics waste problem.
"My students were engaged in a cooperative learning environment with other area high school students as they worked to develop solutions to a real world dilemma,” Massac County High School teacher ... Read More