Calloway County Middle School Science Bowl team coach Scott Pile and visual arts teacher Heather Duffy pose with Jayne Bishop, winner of the 2018 West Kentucky Science Bowl T-Shirt Design Contest. An eighth-grade student, Bishop received the $500 prize for her school for her design of the 2018 official T-shirt to be given to all participating students and coaches at the Feb. 2 middle school and Feb. 16 high school Science Bowl regionals at the University of Kentucky College of Engineering – Paducah Campus.
Also pictured, from right: Steve Christmas, Four Rivers Nuclear Partnership; Buz Smith, EM Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office; and Calloway County Middle School Principal Amy Turner. The T-shirt will commemorate the 10th anniversary of DOE’s West Kentucky Regional Science Bowl. T-shirt design contestants were from the region’s west Kentucky and southern Illinois schools. The winning teams will advance to the Department’s National Science Bowl finals in Washington, D.C. April 26-30.