About Us

Four Rivers Nuclear Partnership, LLC. (FRNP), comprising three strong DOE contractors—Amentum, BWXT, and Fluor—was formed to meet the unique challenges of the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP) Deactivation and Remediation (D&R) project. Led by Amentum, FRNP brings new leadership while leveraging lessons learned, site history, and detailed knowledge to deliver cost-effective technical solutions.

A Unique Understanding of the Paducah D&R Challenge

FRNP understands DOE’s objectives and requirements to achieve continuous process improvements and optimization.  We will successfully perform environmental remediation; minimize surveillance and maintenance (S&M) costs; eliminate unnecessary systems; downgrade facility categorization; and reduce landlord costs.  We will accomplish all of these things while maintaining public and worker safety and complying with all local, state, and federal regulations.

We know what it takes to meet these objectives, based on our knowledge of the Paducah site, our experience transitioning East Tennessee Technology Park (ETTP) and Portsmouth, and our history of transforming missions across the DOE complex. Recognizing the challenges that come with transition, our leadership, organization, and approach are set up to safely further the cleanup culture, which is still adapting to a cleanup methodology.

To accomplish this, our approach:

(1) reduces S&M;

(2) aligns site systems, policies, and procedures to a safe decommissioning mission; and

(3) sets the work plan and priorities to align with regulatory and DOE cleanup objectives.

The Right Leadership to Deliver

FRNP brings lessons learned from gaseous diffusion sites ETTP and Portsmouth and select industry  leaders from across our corporate portfolios to deliver the demands of PGDP. For the past 25 years, our parent companies have achieved success in EM, transforming worker culture from ongoing operations and S&M to project delivery, ultimately achieving site cleanup completion.

Integrated Approach to Accelerated Delivery

FRNP has developed an integrated approach to D&R, utilities optimization, and S&M. Our approach generates sustained cost savings, remediates the C-400 source, and accelerates deactivation, allowing the technical option scope and IDIQ to be implemented within the contract period and funding.